23 Mar

Dear Community,

It has been quite a while since the initial plans for Bedford Food & Drink began to take shape. Over the past few months, much of that initial planning has been coming into its final form. Though there have been several obstacles, sudden changes in plans, and the occasional silliness, Bedford Food & Drink is on track to go from conceptual idea to completed project. Yet, the big question on everyone’s minds still remains. When?


Luckily, the answer to that question is far closer to a realistic ‘soon’ than it has ever been. Over the past few weeks, many of the missing puzzle pieces have fallen into place and, despite the setbacks and delays, we knew that getting it exactly right the first time would be worth the wait.


One of the key aspects to getting it right was obvious to us from day one; The input from the community we serve. Our mission to make Bedford Food & Drink a destination for great times for our community can only be achieved by listening to the people within it. We plan on giving everyone the opportunity to be involved in the ways that they choose and become a part of our overall success. Giving our guests the chance to vote on various elements of our operation, such as the types of events we host and various specials we offer, stand to make all that we do mean that much more.


On the topic of our offerings, we have big plans on that front as well. Not to give too much away now, our goal is to expand our menus, both food and beverage, organically and in line with the community’s suggestions. However, at launch, we plan to offer a robust coffee menu accompanied by a short-order breakfast menu with seasonally inspired ‘Grab & Go’ items that we know will be equal parts healthy, delicious, and convenient for the bustling early birds of the community. We also have plans to provide a reprieve for commuters making their way home into the neighborhood. Our full service bar could be a welcome end to the work day. Grab a hand-crafted cocktail, select wine, or craft beer to compliment a selection or two from our chef inspired small plates menu.


Yet, The big question still remains; When? As of today, our team is working diligently to finish the final touches that will have everything ready by mid April. Although it may have been a long time coming, we want everyone to know that we fully intend to make it worth the wait.


For news and updates on our progress, visit our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram, check in on the web for new blog posts, or feel free to stop by and pop your head in the door to say hello. We are sincerely grateful for all the support we have been given by the community and are incredibly excited to see you all here soon.